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Phase 2 Reflection
Phase 2 Reflection

Phase 2 Reflection

I think Phase 2 was a very interesting assignment that I had actually never done before. Writing a full peer profile like this is something that was completely new to me. I had of course done peer reviews in the past, but this was something much more. I had to analyze both my partner’s writing and my interview with them to write a profile on the kind of writer they are. This was a very unique assignment and I did have fun with it. Every part of this phase was pretty interesting, from reading my partner’s essay to interviewing them to analyzing why and how they write. It gave me insight into how other people besides myself write and the factors that lead someone else to the writing they do. I think the opposite side of this phase, the one where I was the one being analyzed, was also a new experience. I was curious to see how others would interpret both my writing and me as a writer. Maybe there were things about my writing habits that I had noticed before. I had never thought about the factors that led me to the writing level I am today, so it’s cool to see that especially from someone else’s perspectives. I think on a greater note, this phase is very much connected to the theme of the overall course which has to do with different people’s language and their literacy. Seeing many different frames and perspectives is essential in our society that has a multitude of different voices, whether it be Langston Hughes or Amy Tan or my classmates. They all have something new and interesting to say and this phase just made me realize that even more.

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