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Research Paper

Research Paper

I chose this topic because I feel like it is extremely important to talk about in these times. Artificial Intelligence is rapidly changing and I think we need to address how it will affect us in our future. I hope that I can learn more from researching this topic and relay the information to my peers so that they also may be informed on how their job or school field may change. I also hope to learn more about how AI works. My major is actually Computer Science, so I felt that this topic would be something that I am knowledgeable about, meaning I am credible. It is also something I would be able to write about fairly easily as I have necessary background knowledge on how it works.

I also chose this topic because I know it’s a topic many of my peers are familiar with. I’m well aware of the popularity of ChatGPT in school settings and how much it is frowned upon. I know many of my friends and peers may use ChatGPT because it simply makes their lives easier. I would like people to know that the use of AI is not necessarily a bad thing and can actually progress work more efficiently. For example, ChatGPT can be used as a stepping stool for inspiration. It is hard to know where to start with something and having someone (or something) give you some ideas to build off of yourself can be very useful.

In this paper, I’m most proud of how I chained together my sources and created a coherent and plausible claim. Carefully combining different scholarly views and real-world evidence has made my thesis strong and well-supported. Each source played a vital role, adding to my main idea and making the central argument more convincing. This thorough approach not only makes the thesis more believable but also shows how deeply I researched to back up the points in the paper. Bringing together these different sources not only makes the work more scholarly but also helps create a detailed and thorough understanding of the topic.

Beyond this, I actually learned quite a lot from my research. I learned more specifics of how exactly AI affected different industries. I had not previously known most of this information, such as AI being most beneficial to the healthcare industry. This research truly broadened my horizons and showed me that there’s still so much more about this vast topic that I would need to delve into if I wish to fully understand this technology, which I would need to do if I wish to pursue a career in this field.

Fifty-eight years passed between the Wright brothers first flight in an airplane and the first human being launched into space. It is baffling to think that mankind has had such a leap in technology within such a small time frame. We now approach yet another breakthrough point in our civilization’s technology level with the rapid development of one field of technology: Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is poised to be the catalyst for the next great technological leap in our civilization, and its impact is already visible across various sectors of society. Using the technology of natural language processing, we can allow our technology to understand the speech we use each and every day, a revolutionary feat that can and will streamline so many processes in so many fields. One particular area is the workforce. AI has always been a contentious point of discussion in regards to jobs and the workforce. Proponents of AI have cited that AI can speed up processes done originally by humans and overall increase efficiency. However, those against AI are of the viewpoint that AI actively detracts from the jobs available for humans. They worry about how the jobs affected by AI will maintain their workforce and consequently how their workers will earn a living. The explosive growth of AI technology has brought many nuanced debates with it. There are many factors to consider with such a complicated new development, both good and bad. I believe that AI is more of a benefit to our society than a detriment because it can improve economic health, increase work productivity, and increase efficiency in tasks that often require a significant amount of time and effort.

First of all, what exactly is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence of machines or software, as opposed to the intelligence of humans or animals. It is also the field of study in computer science that develops and studies intelligent machines. “AI” may also refer to the machines themselves. Joanna Joy Bryson, a professor at Hertie School in Berlin who works on Artificial Intelligence, ethics and collaborative cognition, outlines in her paper, “The Past Decade and Future of AI’s Impact on Society,” several concerns about AI and how those concerns may be received in the future. Bryson’s purpose is to inform readers about social and economic changes brought about by our use of AI so they can stay educated about the future of our society. In her paper, Bryson defines AI as the “technical term referring to artifacts used to detect contexts or to effect actions in response to detected contexts” (1). Detecting contexts means that AI systems are equipped to collect and interpret information from their environment or data sources, allowing them to understand the situation in which they operate. Furthermore, AI is not just about understanding context but also about taking actions or making decisions based on that understanding. This means AI is reactive, adapting and responding to changing situations. In summary, Bryson’s definition encapsulates the essence of AI, emphasizing its capacity to not only comprehend the world around it but also to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions based on the detected context. This has led many people to have many misconceptions about how AI actually works and how far its capabilities extend. In “What Does It Mean to Understand Language?” by Terry Winograd, the author takes a deep dive into the idea of understanding language. Winograd wants to break down and explain the different parts that make up a good understanding of language, challenging what we typically think about this concept. He says “one is often presented with a fragmentary description of some object or situation, and on the basis of knowledge about what is “typical” jumps to a number of conclusions that are not justifiable as logical deductions, and may at times be false. Most AI systems have been based (either explicitly or unwittingly) on a notion of deduction that does not account for this style of reasoning. This kind of inference is a predominant aspect of reasoning and one which calls for formal systems having very different properties from deductive logic” (Winograd 11). The author suggests that to effectively model human-like reasoning in AI systems, formal systems are needed that possess different properties from deductive logic. In essence, the passage highlights the importance of recognizing and accommodating the kind of intuitive and typical reasoning that humans often employ, which may not always adhere to the rigid rules of deductive logic. This thereby shows the complex nature of new AI models and how this is a technology completely new to how we usually operate with technology.

There is often the idea that has mainly circulated from popular media that AI will take over the world and rule over humanity. The fear of AI becoming too powerful and autonomous, often referred to as the “AI apocalypse” scenario, has fueled apprehension among the general public. AI, as it exists today, operates within well-defined parameters and is far from achieving human-level general intelligence. AI systems are designed and trained for specific tasks and their decision-making is guided by the data and algorithms they are provided with. They lack consciousness, emotions, and intentions, which are essential aspects of human intelligence. Therefore, the idea of AI taking over the world and ruling humanity is more science fiction than reality. Moreover, the development and deployment of AI are subject to strict ethical guidelines, legal regulations, and oversight. Organizations and researchers working in the field of AI are committed to ensuring that AI technologies are used for the benefit of society and do not pose risks to humanity. Ethical considerations, transparency, and accountability are integral components of AI development and deployment. In the video titled “Unveiling the Mechanics of Artificial Intelligence,” CGP Grey endeavors to unravel the intricate world of AI by providing an in-depth exploration of its underlying mechanisms and how it learns. He states, “Build, test, repeat. A million cycles later, there’s a student bot who’s pretty good at keeping the users watching, at least compared to what a human could build. But when people ask: “How does the NetMeTube algorithm select videos?” Once again, there isn’t a great answer other than pointing to the bot, and the user data it had access to, and most vitally, how the human overseers direct the teacher bot to score the test” (CGP Grey 6:27). What CGP explains is that AI is developed through countless trials of trial and error until the AI has effectively learned the task it was meant to learn. However, the most important part is that this is done under human supervision to make sure that the AI develops in the proper way that would have the expected or desired outcome. There is always a grounded aspect of AI that makes sure it does not have boundless growth. It’s crucial to foster a balanced and informed perspective on AI, acknowledging its potential benefits in fields such as healthcare, transportation, and education, while also remaining vigilant about the ethical and societal implications. While AI can significantly enhance human capabilities and improve our lives, the idea of an all-powerful, malevolent AI takeover remains firmly in the realm of science fiction and should not overshadow the real-world progress and opportunities offered by AI technology.

In the article “The Power of Natural Language Processing” published by Harvard Business Review in April 2022, Ross Gruetzemacher explores the transformative potential of Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology. He argues that NLP is reshaping various industries, enabling machines to understand and interact with human language in a more nuanced and sophisticated manner and shed light on the significant impact of NLP and its potential to revolutionize the way organizations operate. He states, “Models like GPT-3 are considered to be foundation models — an emerging AI research area — which also work for other types of data such as images and video. Foundation models can even be trained on multiple forms of data at the same time, like OpenAI’s DALL·E 2, which is trained on language and images to generate high-resolution renderings of imaginary scenes or objects simply from text prompts” (Grutzemacher). This can be extrapolated to show that such a synthesis of language and imagery demonstrates the impressive potential of NLP to bridge the gap between human communication and machine understanding, ultimately enhancing our capacity to translate ideas and concepts into visual or textual representations. It emphasizes the pivotal role of foundation models like GPT-3 and the boundless potential they offer by extending their applications beyond language, thus heralding a new era in human-computer interaction and innovation. Prior to this, machines were seen as pieces of metals that essentially crunch numbers on different skill levels depending on the type of machine it is. Now, machines can be used as an interactive feature to enhance the abilities of normal human beings.

The development of Artificial Intelligence also helps significantly in specific industries. In his article “What Is the Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Society?” Bernard Marr, a world-renowned futurist, influencer and thought leader in the fields of business and technology, explains the challenges as well as positive effects of AI on society. He goes in depth to the challenges and outlines them and then also provides examples of how AI is positive as well to inform readers about the potential consequences of AI and to incite them to ponder fundamental questions regarding the future of work, the balance between automation and human labor, and the ethical use of AI in decision-making processes. One example Marr brings up is “With better monitoring and diagnostic capabilities, artificial intelligence can dramatically influence healthcare. By improving the operations of healthcare facilities and medical organizations, AI can reduce operating costs and save money. One estimate from McKinsey predicts big data could save medicine and pharma up to $100B annually. The true impact will be in the care of patients. Potential for personalized treatment plans and drug protocols as well as giving providers better access to information across medical facilities to help inform patient care will be life-changing” (Marr). What this demonstrates is that even one of the most important industries, healthcare, can benefit positively from AI. Any positive increase in the efficiency of healthcare industries is a boon worth quite a lot. AI can analyze vast amounts of medical data, from patient records to imaging scans, to identify patterns that may not be obvious to human healthcare professionals. This enables early detection of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart conditions, significantly improving the chances of successful treatment and reducing healthcare costs associated with advanced-stage interventions. AI can create tailored treatment plans for patients based on their genetic makeup, medical history, and real-time data. This approach, known as precision medicine, can lead to more effective treatments with fewer side effects, reducing the trial-and-error approach often seen in healthcare. These benefits would make healthcare far more productive, meaning that more people get the help they need in a shorter amount of time.

One thing always mentioned when the topic of AI comes up is that it could take over jobs. While this can be true, this can be a positive as well. In an exploration of the future of AI, the article by Nikita Duggal anticipates the transformative impact of AI technologies on various aspects of society and industry. Duggal argues that AI is poised to revolutionize numerous domains, including healthcare, finance, education, and more, by enabling machines to comprehend, learn, and make decisions in ways that resemble human intelligence. Duggal states, in his article, that “As the future of AI replaces tedious or dangerous tasks, the human workforce is liberated to focus on tasks for which they are more equipped, such as those requiring creativity and empathy. People employed in more rewarding jobs may be happier and more satisfied” (Duggal). His statement in the article underscores a fundamental aspect of the evolving relationship between AI and the human workforce. It highlights the potential for AI to not only automate mundane and perilous tasks but also to liberate humans from these responsibilities. As AI technologies become increasingly proficient in handling repetitive, time-consuming, or hazardous activities, humans can redirect their efforts towards tasks that demand uniquely human qualities, such as creativity and empathy. Thus, AI doesn’t merely replace jobs; it can act as a catalyst for the creation of new, more rewarding roles.

This graph compiling data researched by PwC, an accountancy giant, corroborates the claims made in this paper. Jobs in some fields may suffer a little bit, but the market in other fields, like the aforementioned healthcare, could increase significantly. This graph shows a general balance from the coming of AI, but as it develops more, then more and more jobs will be created to keep up with the effectiveness of AI.

In conclusion, the rapid evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) marks a pivotal point in our technological landscape, comparable to historical leaps such as the transition from the Wright brothers’ first flight to human space exploration. The multifaceted impact of AI, particularly in the realm of machine learning, is reshaping the way we understand and interact with technology. While debates about AI’s implications persist, it is essential to adopt a nuanced perspective, acknowledging both its potential benefits and challenges. AI is poised to be a driving force for progress, offering economic benefits, increased work productivity, and efficiency in various tasks. While ethical considerations and societal impacts demand careful attention, a balanced and informed perspective can help navigate the transformative potential of AI, ensuring that its benefits are harnessed responsibly for the betterment of society. As AI continues to advance, fostering innovation and collaboration will be key to maximizing its positive impact on our evolving technological landscape.

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